Discover Legimi: Unlimited Books and Audiobooks for Every Reader

Introduction to Legimi

Legimi emerges as a comprehensive digital library that caters to the modern reader’s needs, offering a vast array of ebooks and audiobooks across various genres. With flexible subscription plans and options that include dedicated e-readers, Legimi simplifies access to a world of literature and knowledge, making reading accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

What Legimi Offers

Legimi is not just a digital library but a versatile platform designed to cater to the diverse needs of book lovers, combining convenience, flexibility, and a wealth of literary resources. Below, we explore in greater detail the extensive range of features and services that Legimi provides to its subscribers.

New Distribution Partners: WOOK and Legimi – Publiseer

Comprehensive Subscription Plans

Legimi’s subscription plans are thoughtfully designed to accommodate different types of readers:

  • Unlimited Access Plans: These are perfect for avid readers and audiobook listeners. At a promotional price of 49.99 zł per month, subscribers can enjoy unlimited ebooks and audiobooks. This plan includes unique features such as:
    • Monthly Credit: Subscribers receive 10.00 zł back each month, which can be used towards purchasing permanent copies of favorite titles.
    • Multiple Device Access: Read on up to four different devices, allowing family members to share the subscription.
    • Personal Ebook Uploads: Subscribers can upload up to four personal ebooks each month, integrating their existing collection with Legimi’s library.
    • Free Delivery of Paper Books: For those who still cherish the feel of physical books, Legimi offers free delivery on paper book purchases, blending the digital and traditional reading experiences.
  • Page-Limited Subscription Options: Designed for more casual readers or those who prefer to manage their reading budget more strictly. These plans include:
    • 1500 Pages/Month for 34.99 zł: Ideal for readers who consume around three books per month.
    • 1000 Pages/Month for 29.99 zł: Suitable for those who read about two books per month.
    • 300 Pages/Month for 14.99 zł: Best for readers who enjoy one book per month. Each tier offers a proportionate monthly credit and the ability to upload a set number of personal ebooks.

Legimi - ebook reader - Microsoft Apps

E-Reader Bundled Subscriptions

For an enhanced reading experience, Legimi offers high-quality e-readers bundled with subscription plans:

  • InkBOOK Calypso Plus and PocketBook Models: These e-readers are available at a subsidized cost of 149.00 zł when bundled with a subscription, significantly lower than their standard price of 549.00 zł. They provide an optimal reading experience with features like E Ink displays for reduced eye strain and long battery life. Each model caters to different preferences in terms of screen size, interface, and additional functionalities like waterproofing or backlight settings.

Flexible Contract Terms

Legimi understands that commitment can be daunting, which is why it offers various contract terms:

  • 24-Month Contract: Offers the best value for long-term users.
  • 12-Month Contract: Balances commitment with flexibility.
  • 6-Month Contract: Provides a short-term option for those testing the service.
  • Indefinite Term: Offers maximum flexibility with a slightly higher monthly cost, allowing users to cancel anytime.

Legimi - E-Books EPUB, MOBI, PDF, MP3-Hörbücher

Additional Features and Services

  • Synchrobooks® Technology: Allows seamless switching between formats and devices without losing your place, perfect for users who switch between reading and listening.
  • Library Card Integration: Legimi enhances the value of having a library card by providing additional content exclusively for cardholders, thus supporting public library access and encouraging reading.
  • Diverse Content Library: With thousands of titles across various genres, including bestsellers, classics, academic texts, and niche books, Legimi ensures that every reader finds something to suit their taste.
  • Download for Offline Access: Users can download books to their devices, ensuring that they can enjoy reading even without an internet connection.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Legimi’s platform is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, making it simple for users to search for, find, and enjoy their next great read.

Cost Savings

Subscribing to Legimi can lead to significant savings, especially for avid readers who consume multiple books each month. The return of 10 zł every month as part of the subscription fee further enhances the value.

Legimi - E-Books EPUB, MOBI, PDF, MP3-Hörbücher

Ease of Use

Legimi prioritizes a seamless and user-friendly experience, recognizing that the easier the platform is to navigate, the more enjoyable the reading experience will be. From registration to reading, every step is streamlined for simplicity and ease, ensuring that users of all technological skill levels can efficiently access and enjoy their content. Here’s how Legimi achieves this:

Simple Sign-Up Process

Legimi’s registration process is straightforward and quick, allowing new users to get started in just a few minutes. The sign-up requires minimal information, and new users can immediately access free trials or promotional offers, providing instant access to thousands of ebooks and audiobooks.

Intuitive Website and Mobile App Interface

  • Navigational Simplicity: Both the Legimi website and mobile apps (available on iOS and Android) feature a clean, intuitive interface. Categories are clearly labeled, and search functionality is robust, equipped with filters that help users quickly find books by genre, author, or specific titles.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Legimi uses sophisticated algorithms to suggest books based on users’ reading habits and preferences, making it easier for readers to discover new favorites without extensive searching.

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Device Compatibility and Flexible Reading Options

  • Multi-Device Sync: Legimi allows users to sync their reading progress across multiple devices, including smartphones, tablets, and e-readers. Whether you start reading on a phone and switch to an e-reader, Legimi ensures you pick up right where you left off.
  • Offline Accessibility: Recognizing that internet access can be intermittent, Legimi enables users to download books directly to their devices. This feature is invaluable for commuting, traveling, or simply ensuring uninterrupted reading during network outages.

Helpful Support and Resources

  • Customer Support: Legimi offers comprehensive support through various channels, including email, phone, and an in-depth FAQ section on their website. This ensures that users can receive help promptly when needed, covering everything from technical issues to account inquiries.
  • Educational Resources: For those new to ebooks and audiobooks, Legimi provides helpful guides and blog posts on how to maximize the use of their platform, understand different formats, and even tips on finding books that match their interests.



Legimi stands out in the digital reading space by offering flexible, cost-effective subscription plans that cater to a wide range of reading preferences. With the added convenience of high-quality e-readers and robust features like multi-device support and Synchrobooks®, Legimi ensures that every book lover can enjoy their favorite titles anytime, anywhere. Whether you are a voracious reader or someone who enjoys a book now and then, Legimi has a plan that can fit your lifestyle, making it a top choice for digital reading in today’s fast-paced world.

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